With the global population expected to grow by 3 billion in the next century, AgriCorps volunteers are doing their part to help train the farmers of today and the future. By Abby Bauer, Hoard's Dairyman...
One of the most widely known animal rights groups is no stranger to using emotional appeal to win over people's minds. We've seen them all when we view websites, videos or photos posted by anti-agriculture...
Cattle can be efficient users of leftovers. By Patti Hurtgen, Hoard's Dairyman Online Media Manager Last week I blogged about different management types that produce beef. One of the interesting facts...
Legendary dairy cattle judge and professor Fred Foreman passed away on July 22, leaving behind a grand legacy of teaching and passion for the dairy industry. He was born on a small farm in Kansas, but...
A dairy farm family showcases their love for agriculture through a tractor show. By Brittany Statz, 2015 Hoard's Dairyman Editorial Intern Brand loyalty runs deep in agriculture, particularly where machinery...
Enclosed spaces can be death traps. Farmers are busy people with a long list of tasks to complete and a shortage of daylight. However, a little extra time to think through a situation could save a life....
Kiefland Holsteins in southeastern Minnesota installed its first robotic milkers in 2011, and the family has learned a great deal in the past four years
With the aid of finger paints, Stephanie Arndt and Pandora the Painted Cow are making dairy approachable for youth. Children and adults alike in central New York are learning where their favorite dairy...
Farms can be dangerous places. On working farms, there's constant movement of people and equipment. And with summer, that means more activity and more people